The Food Safety Information Council is asking for your urgent assistance to save this year’s Food Safety Week to be held in November 2016. Since 1997 the Council has been helping consumers with simple tips on how to reduce the risk of food poisoning. However the loss of Federal Government funding in 2014 has left us with greatly reduced income, to the extent that we may not be able to run the 20th Food Safety Week this year.
Why not make a donation and share your #GastroNightmare story with a comment on this website, on twitter or like us on Facebook. Did that bout of gastro spoil your sporting chance, make you miss a family milestone, affect a holiday of a lifetime or even ruin your wedding?
Your tax deductable donations will help us to do the following:
$30 will help us answer consumer enquiries about what to do if they have food poisoning
$50 will help us get out messages through the media during food poisoning outbreaks such as the recent bean sprout and lettuce salmonella cases and last year’s frozen berries Hepatitis A crisis.
$100 will help us reduce deaths from Listeria infection that can be fatal to unborn babies, the elderly and people with chronic illnesses
$150 will help us get out emergency messages during fires, floods & power outages
$200 will help make our website responsive so people can access our vital information on mobile phones during emergencies such as fires, floods and power outages
We also have tax deductable sponsorship opportunities for organisations to help us to achieve the following during Food Safety Week:
$1000 will pay for us to distribute a media release which generated 56 news items that reached 12,098,793 unique viewers on news websites during Food Safety Week 2015
$2000 will enable us to carry out consumer research to release during Food Safety Week
$4000 will pay to make our website responsive and easier to read on mobile phones and devices, which is the way most people use our website
$5,000 will pay for fridge thermometers
$8,000 will pay for promotional material such as posters or fridge magnets to be printed and mailed to the one of the many community events held around the country during Food Safety Week
$10,000 will help produce and distribute radio announcements with food safety messages – during 2015-16 a total of 1,065 spots were broadcast on 20 capital city stations and a total of 5,838 spots broadcast on 58 rural, regional and remote stations
$15,000 will help produce and distribute TV announcements with food safety messages to run on all commercial and pay TV stations from November 2016 until the end of January 2017. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor please call 0407 626 688 or email info@foodsafety.asn.au