CHAIR: Rachelle Williams, Chair & Finance Director

4.1.  2017-18 GOALS

GOAL 1. To appoint a new Secretary and a Membership Director

GOAL 2. To appoint a Marketing Director to establish, implement and monitor our Marketing Plan

4.2.  REPORT

After discussions with the Board, the Chair approached Deb Kerr, the representative of Australian Pork Ltd about taking up the position of Secretary and Gavin Buckett, representing Gourmet Guardian Pty Ltd, to take on the role of Membership Director. Deb and Gavin indicated that they was interested in the roles and were then nominated by the Chair and were elected to the positions by Special General Meeting.

The Marketing Director was elected at a Special General Meeting after a full Nomination process was conducted by the Board.

4.3.  2018-19 GOALS

GOAL 1. To consolidate the Risk, Audit and Policy Committee and Finance Committee into one with a suitable Risk and Finance Director as it’s Chair

GOAL 2. To report to the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC) and Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) as required for 2018/19

GOAL 3. To identify the best value and effective insurance, including Cyber insurance if required, for FSIC for 2018/19

GOAL 4. To establish the Board Skills Matrix by 30 June 2019

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