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Elderly neighbours and relations – preparing food
It’s great to help out those in the community like elderly neighbours and relations that can’t help themselves. When preparing food for...
Shopping and storage food safety
Strict food safety standards apply to food retailers in Australia to ensure that the food you buy is safe. But there are...
Entertaining family and friends
Entertaining is fun especially during Christmas and the holiday season when you catch up with family and friends or at other times...
Work and school lunch safety
Packing a lunch for yourself or your child is a healthy and cost effective option however food poisoning bacteria can grow quickly,...
Cross contamination
What is cross contamination? Cross contamination occurs when bacteria and viruses are transferred from a contaminated food or surface such as a...
Is it food poisoning?
Food poisoning is caused by bacteria, viruses or toxins in the food we eat. Some of these toxins are found naturally in...
What to do if you get food poisoning?
If you get food poisoning seek medical attention. Food poisoning can be particularly serious in young children, the elderly and people of...
Our health is in our hands!
Always wash your hands before handling food and after handling raw meat or poultry. Clean hands will decrease the possibility of food...