Join us virtually for our National Science Week 13 to 21 August event ‘Good bugs, bad bugs – preserving and fermenting food in glass’. Some bacteria are good – for example they live in our gut and help us digest food or they help us preserve food safely through fermentation. Other bacteria can make us very sick through food poisoning and you can learn how to avoid being one of the estimated 4.1 million cases a year in Australia through simple actions like handwashing, correct cooking and refrigeration temperatures and stopping bacteria in raw food contaminating other food. Find out the important role that glass plays in fermenting, storing and preserving food safely.
Events included:
- A free National Science Week pre-briefing webinar for teachers via Zoom 3.30pm to 4.30pm Wed 10 August 2022 was presented by Assoc Prof Julian Cox – Scientific Director of the Food Safety Information Council together with our member the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology. We covered the science behind fermenting and preserving food in glass as well as simple lesson plans and classroom activities and answered any questions. Catch up with the video recording here
- A fun live event for all the family on Facebook – on the EHA Facebook page 3pm to 4pm Saturday 13 August 2022 at the beginning of National Science Week presented by Assoc Prof Julian Cox – Scientific Director of the Food Safety Information Council together with our member Environmental Health Australia. Catch up with the video recording here
- A live Facebook event on Monday 15 August 2.30 to 3.30pm with our Communication Director Lydia Buchtmann speaking about the history of glass and food hosted by our member Environmental Health Australia on their Facebook page catch up with the video recording here
- During National Science Week listen to the special Jam Pakt radio program about food safety written by and for First Nations people and broadcast on 265 First Nations radio stations throughout Australia as well as community radio that broadcast First Nations’ programs with Jonzy on 17 August (11 mins in) and Naomi on 22 August (5 mins in) catch up with it here
Watch our Good Bugs Bad Bugs video here
Download our GoodBugsBadBugs poster
See how to make your own Kimchi or download the recipe and class practical Kimchi recipe
If you have an questions please email info@foodsafety.asn.au
Our thanks to the Australian Government for their grant funding these events.