Members, Supporters & Sponsors


The Food Safety Information Council is a health promotion charity and a national voice for science-based, consumer-focused food safety information in Australia. We aim to reduce the estimated 4.67 million cases of food poisoning in Australia each year that result in 47,900 hospitalisations, 38 deaths and  a cost to the economy of $2.1 billion.


The Council receives its major funding from state, territory and local government departments and agencies, scientific and educational institutions, community and commercial organisations throughout Australia.

There are three categories of involvement: Member, Supporter and Sponsor.


Become a member and support the work we do, so together with key stakeholders we remain and grow as the leading national provider of independent, science-based food safety information to Australian consumers.

The following are the benefits to FSIC membership;

  • Access to a members only area on our website – will contain the research, surveys results, Newsletters, Annual and Special General Meeting minutes, detailed research findings, FSIC Constitution and Rules – not available to anyone else
  • Voting rights for one representative at the AGM and any SGMs
  • Right of a representative to attend the Planning Days
  • Input into the theme of Food Safety Week
  • Opportunity to help spread the message of food safety and support the Council through membership of one of our groups (Communication, Finance, Membership, Scientific)

Annual membership fees are due on the 1 July each year and are to be paid on invoice (30 day terms) from FSIC. You can join at any time. Read our FSIC membership code of conduct

On acceptance of your application, a tax invoice for a membership subscription (refer below) will be emailed to you.

Membership Fees (GST inclusive)

Individual (including sole trader)                           $275 per annum

Corporate (eg business, research institute)          $770 per annum

State/Federal government                                    $770 per annum

Local government                                                $335 per annum

Apply here





Supporters are organisations or individuals providing funds or significant support in-kind to the Council which are for general support rather than for specific activities.

Current Supporters  are:

Australian Science Media Centre


Food Standards Australia New Zealand



Telligence web hosters

Tonic Health Media


Sponsorship provides an opportunity for organisations to position themselves as excellent corporate citizens aware of the suffering caused by food poisoning and the power of consumer information to decrease its incidence.

Sponsorship is available for a range of materials such as brochures, posters, videos, radio and television advertisements, fridge thermometers, etc as well as consumer research. Events during Australian Food Safety Week and at selected times of the year are also available for sponsorship.

See the FSIC Sponsorship Policy. For more details please contact us at

Our current Gold Spomsor for 2024 -24 is Neogen

Current and previous sponsors are:


Australian Chicken Meat Federation

Australian Pasteurised Eggs

First for Training

Food Standards Australia New Zealand

NT Health

On Solution

Queensland Health

SA Health

Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services